Skin Consultation
We offer a choice of :
1. Online skin consultation (15 min)
2. At the Spa skin consultation with Visia Skin analyser (30 min)
3. Skin DNA Test (15 min) at Day Spa or we can post to you.
Holistic Skin Health Consultations Include:
One on one consultation
Identification of your skin type
Assessing your current skin care routine & lifestyle factors
providing guidence and recommendations.
Please provide as much information on our online skin consultation form
and then Book online and select your preference between:
1. Online Skin Consultation 15 min $30
2. At Spa Skin Consultation with Visia at day spa 30 min Price $90 or 45 min with skin care plan $120
3. You can also book in for SkinDNA Test $129 & receive a personalised report outlining a treatment plan using O cosmedics products and treatments.
A wonderful treatment but an even better atmosphere. Loved the products, love the staff. Best afternoon I've had in a while. Highly recommend to everyone.
– Kirstie Arrowsmith